April Is National Youth Sports Safety Awareness Month
Did you know eye injuries are the leading cause of blindness in children? Most eye injuries among kids ages 11-14 occur while playing sports. Sports eye injuries can range from abrasions of the cornea and bruises of the lid to internal eye injuries like retinal detachments and internal bleeding. Nearly 43 percent of sports related eye injuries involve children under the age of 15. It is also estimated that sports related eye injuries in the United States account for more than 100,000 physician visits. 90 percent of these eye injuries are preventable.
April is National Youth Sports Safety Month! Parents often do not consider the potential for eye injuries. Many do not realize how much damage a stray ball, puck or bat can do it if hits the eye. Parents are quick to equip their children with helmets, knee and elbow pads and even mouth guards. Eye protection should be a must for all players, but especially for those who wear eyeglasses or contact lenses. Studies show that protective eyewear does not hinder the player’s sight, and some athletes even play better because they are less afraid of getting hit in the eye.
Sports and play are too tough for everyday dress glasses. More importantly, they do not meet the recommended protective ANSI standards for most organized sports. The best way to prevent sports related eye injuries is to wear appropriate sports specific protective eyewear that is properly fitted. We can help you find the proper protective eyewear for your child. Be sure to schedule an appointment today to get ready for the upcoming sports season!
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